You will be able to see around 20 meteors per hour! It’s been a few months since we’ve been treated to any celestial spectacles in the skies above North Carolina but that drought will soon be coming to an end. Later thi...
After 5 and a half months, the reinstated mask mandate is voted off. On Wednesday night, Mecklenburg County commissioners came to the unanimous decision to end the current mask mandate. The mask mandate was decided upon...
Welcome to your next foodie paradise. Vantage South End is perfectly situated right near the Charlotte Rail Trail and Uptown, making it the prime spot for Charlotte’s newest foodie hub. So far, there’s been...
If there weren’t already enough incentives to get the COVID-19 vaccine, now you can add doughnuts to the mix! Krispy Kreme announced on Monday, March 22 that anyone who has received their COVID-19 vaccine — and sh...
We’re number 99! How do you guys feel about the fact that Charlotte made the cut for world’s best cities! And at spot 99. As reddit user Thamous pointed out, Not last! In response, American_cheese suggeste...
It won’t be like Bourbon Street, but it’s a start. If you’ve never heard of a ‘social district’ then get ready to be blown away. According to a press release by the Charlotte Area Chamber o...
It’s serious out there, guys. According to a study from 2017, Charlotte was found to be the deadliest city along Interstate 85, which runs 666 miles from Petersburg, Virginia to Montgomery, Alabama. Charlotte, al...
Is it a sinister message? The Charlotte subreddit has been blowing up with questions regarding the strange purple streetlights that have been studding the streets, their glow a spooky reminder that Halloween is right ar...
Set your phasers to fun. Charlotte’s first vintage arcade, Super Abari Game Bar, had a rough 2021. The bar’s fate was still up in the air after a tumultuous year dealing with the pandemic, and the owner, Zac...
The first time the east and the west side have been connected by rapid transit. The Gold Line Street Car has been in construction for a while and after a lengthy period of delays and controversy, the extended Gold Line...